July 4, 2017 N/A
The fun starts bright and early at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds with the Gymkhana.
Entries begin at 8 am and starts at 9 am
Contct Anita Smith for more information at (719)768-3333
The Town of Hugo is sponsoring FREE SWIMMING
from NOON to 6PM
The Country Living Learning Center will be selling Ice Cream at the swimming Pool starting at noon- Proceeds benefit the building of a new child care center.
Entries begin at 1:30 PM and Contest begins at 2 PM
4 Classes...
1.) Singles 10 and under
2.) Singles 11 and over
3.) Doubles- All Ages
4.) Most Creative
Rules: Boats can only be made of cardboard, Duct tape, Liquid nail or contact cement. May decorate but paint must be dry and no products that are harful to the pool. Contestants are responsible fot the disposal of boat after the race. Must have life vests and provide own paddles.
Questions: Contact Barb Vaughn @ (719) 740-2421
Prize to the winner of each class of $25!!!
Swim Contests:
Starting at noon there will be swim contests every hour with four prizes of $25!
The fireworks will begin at 9:00 pm at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds. Donations will be taken at the gate after the fireworks to help defray expenses for next year.
Thank you to the Hugo Fire Department for their dedication and hard work!