Haunted Hollywood
Suddenly Gary shouted out, “Stop, look at that?” Steve pushed the clutch in and the pickup rolled to a stop. Gary was all excited, bouncing up and down, rolling the window down to get a better look. “Come on, turn the pickup to shine the lights on it,” Gary shouted. Excitement and fear filled the old pickup. Steve slid the pickup into reverse, cranked the wheel and lights traveled across the field. About 100 yards away in the field a lantern bounced along, heading for the grove of trees. Steve whispers to Gary, “What is that? I see the lantern but nothing else.” Awe struck the pair sat there, eyes bugged out wide, jaw slack. Steve kept moving the pickup backwards keeping the lantern in his headlights.
Across the field the lantern flowed. Nothing appeared to be carrying it, it seemed suspend in the air. Soon the lantern reached the stand of trees and disappeared. The two boys were quiet for some time. They had heard stories of the ghosts that lived in an area called Hollywood. They had driven down to the town dump before to hunt rats and have a couple of beers. This is the first time they had seen the lantern moving across the land. Steve got the pickup turned around and back over the railroad tracks they bounced, headed back to town.
Next day at school they were talking to some friends about what they had seen. They looked in disbelief, a few asked how many drinks they had. Soon an older boy sauntered up to the group having heard what was being said. He piped up and asked them, “Did you see the bluish lights also? They float over the field maybe 10-12 feet up.” The group stood silent for a moment, for here was somebody that confirmed what their friends had seen.
Hollywood stirs up lots of stories among a few locals in Limon.
For years there have been stories like this and most people have attributed them to the hobos and bums that hang out in the area.
The Rock Island had built a roundhouse and other buildings in the area at the end of the 1800’s. For years this was the life of the town and the tramps had been riding the rails through here for years. Nearby is the Big Sandy Creek, with overpasses and creek banks, making good protection for the hobos.
So to say the strange happening in the area belong to the passing by hobos is not a stretch. One can walk in the area today and see where they have been, read the signs for what is available in Limon for hand outs. Yet one asks, what is causing the lights and why was there no one with the lantern? The ghostly aura of Hollywood persists. Walk along the tracks, look in among the ruins of the roundhouse, there are times it is like someone is watching you. Is it an old railroad worker walking across the field to check on his shop? Where did the floating bluish lights come from?
A ways west along the abandoned railroad tracks sits a small house that may have been a section house at one time. A Mom and her son are sitting in the living room when they hear the door squeak as it opens. Mom and son look at each other. Mom says, “No it can’t be, I bolted the door from the inside.” Footsteps cross the floor and they rush to the front door and see nothing. The bolt is in place, locked from the inside. Sometime later mom is at home and again hears the door opening. Looking through the doorway she sees nothing but hears footsteps on the floor. That evening she is talking with the neighbor he says to her, “You have someone living in your attic. Quite often I’ll see her standing looking out the window, down towards the where the railroad tracks used to be.” The Mom is all wide eyed but it dawns on her why the door opens and she hears someone walking in the house. Short while later, mom finds another house and they move.