Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Hugo, CO
June 28, and July 4, 12, 19, 26, and
August 2, 16 and September 2, 2019
Age Groups
As of Jan. 1, 2019
Assisted group-any age with help crossing start line
Pee Wee – 4 and under, Tiny Tot –5 to 7, Juniors – 8 to 10 years, Intermediate-11 to 13,
Seniors – 14 to 18 years
Barrels, Poles, Flags, Goats, Breakaway, Steer riding, Team Roping, Open Barrels, Open Breakaway, Jr/Sr Team Roping
Fee’s vary per event- always free to watch! Concessions provided by the Hugo Lions Club at most events
For more information: Anita Smith (719)768-3333