Four Corners – Colorado Ghost Town
by local author & historian: John LaBorde
The community of Four Corners, now a Colorado ghost town, was located South of Limon on SH 71s. Located at the intersection with CR 2Z. Four Corners may have been a collection of family homes that had a store or trading post.
Four Corners still shows up on various maps as being a place, but today at this intersection is a farm house on the NW side with adjoining corners are plowed fields.
If there had been historic structures here they are long gone or plowed under. On the near surrounding horizon can be seen other farm compounds and to the northwest, about two and a half miles is a small country cemetery.This empty land appears to have been a vibrant community at one time. Maybe even a gas station. Many pioneers settled among with their countrymen and shared many interests.
One of the first things to be built was a schoolhouse or a church. Then it would become a community building. Sometimes it would be a barn. They would have church, school, quilting bees, weddings, dances and meetings. Sometimes these buildings would be spread out in the area.
Many of these communities have faded into the ground and memories have become dim. Yet there are enough stories of other communities to patch together what Four Corners may have been like.
Today the cars and trucks on highway 71
zip by on their way to their destination.