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Boyero – Colorado Ghost Town

by local author & historian: John LaBorde


A few miles south of US 40/287 is the ghostly collection of Boyero. There are still a few residents of Boyero and they have their own Post Office. One of the old buildings was made into an antique store and the occasional traveler will turn off the highway. If the proprietor is around there is a treat awaiting the visitor. There are stories galore for the patient ear. If not…. oh well, enjoy the sights.

Boyero - Colorado Ghost TownBoyero got its beginning as a stage stop on the Golden Belt Route. Here there is good water for the stage line. The Smoky Hill Trail passed through the area and was followed by the railroad. It is from the railroad that the community got its growth.

Boyero was a major stop for maintenance workers on the railroad. Up and down the rails these workers moved keeping the rails in tip top shape. It also became a prime ranch area and it is ranching that keeps the community going. The original streets platted out by the railroad are still visible and many of the foundations are still visible along the now abandoned streets. The old general store finally gave up and is now but a concrete slab where it once stood. There are a few smaller buildings standing in various state of decay or care.

The mystery building of BoyeroAcross the way is the building of mystery. A large two story building looks at the tracks and it has a building added to it. Myths and lore of other days abound from its roof top. Was it a boarding house? A mansion for the local big boss or maybe the quarters for the rough and tumble rancher? Did the local gang of outlaws stop in here? Was it a place for the drummers to stay? What kind of big deals were made? Did the railroad house their traveling workers here?

Hear the clatter and clanking as the lantern is set on the table. Hear the footsteps across the front porch or chairs rattling as they are moved up to the table. Matches flicker as pipes and cigars are lit. Cards shuffling echoes across the eve as the banter begins?

Boyero was also a stop along the Texas/Montana cattle trail. There are numerous ponds in the area and the store had good stores for the herd. The tinkle of the saloon piano is silent. No longer do the high booted cowboys roll into town for a weekend celebration. The old Golden Belt Route provides a look back into a past time.


Finding Boyero – Colorado Ghost Town is as easy as following this map going southeast along US 40/287  off I-70 through Hugo.


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