See Lincoln County Colorado
Green Knoll – Colorado Ghost Town

Green Knoll – Colorado Ghost Town

Green Knoll – Colorado Ghost Town

by local author & historian: John LaBorde

Next to CR F near the intersection with CR 34 in south central Lincoln County is Green Knoll. Here there was a country school and a Post Office that was established in 1917. One can almost drive past the little knoll where the school once stood. There are still some footer’s and foundations plus some rubble at the site of this community. Just off the road in a ranchers pasture one can see the few remains of the buildings.


In the area are a couple of ranch houses, otherwise it is wide open country. Cattle graze the area now and the occasional antelope herd passes by. Not many places in the shade for ghosts to slumber and pass the time of day. Yet here in the area dreams were lived. A school house was built. Children learned, played and grew up on the open prairie. This was their home. There were weddings, pinics, funerals and weekend dances. 

Today the ghosts languish in nearby abandoned homestead where there are trees to shade them.

gs-greenknoll02On the knoll, a rubble collection is a mute memorial to times past. Here one can pause and wonder what one could have seen in the land. What brought the early settlers to such a stark landscape? Those that pause can hear the siren song of the land. Here one can watch the birds float over head, see the grasses to graze cattle on, dirt to raise a garden in, and a piece of land one could call their own. Hopes grew strong for the settlers. Here they had their dream of owning a piece of land in America.

Arrowheads discovered near the Lincoln County, Colorado Ghost Town of Green Knoll

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