See Lincoln County Colorado
Girard – Colorado Ghost Town

Girard – Colorado Ghost Town

Girard – Colorado Ghost Town

by local author & historian: John LaBorde

Somewhere over yonder is where the community of Girard used to be. Situated on a flat plateau of the eastern Colorado plains, it fits the classic view of most people, nothing to view but the horizon.

Girard - Colorado Ghost Town 1Girard is in the middle of somewhere, close to nowhere. The US Geological Survey map shows it being at the junction of CR 11 and CR S. There is a fence along the roadway and over there a ways is a ranch house. Otherwise the intersection is empty. Down the road a piece is a stand of trees and some concrete chunks from a footer.

Girard is one of those quiet places. One can hear the clouds float by, the chirping birds, fluttering wings and the scampering of the occasional critter.

For the soul that ventures forth seeking out this lost community, do not be dis-heartened at seeing nothing. For the pioneer that settled here, saw opportunity and a place to call their own.

Look out across the prairie and the eye has no limit as the horizon reaches to eternity. Infinity takes on a whole new meaning. Here the land is so empty, even the ghosts would have no place to pause and ponder.

Girard - Lincoln County Colorado Ghost TownYet, drive off to the horizon and the road drops off into one of the many creek valleys that dot the land. Over the land the buffalo roamed followed by the Indians. Remains of these days can be found here and there. Many of the locals are excellent hunters of arrowheads and other artifacts left behind from centuries ago.

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